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Blog:  A Penn Can Vibe


Postman 68

Blog: A Penn Can Vibe

SUSQUEHNNA, Pa. – I like it, a lot!

Spending Friday night at one of my home tracks – Penn Can Speedway – has me feeling rather good about the place.

LeGrande “Pappy” Beavan built Penn Can Speedway in the mid-1950s and the family still owns the track. In its 67-year history the track has had periods of “boom” and some “busts” along the way.

In the mid-1980s the track sat idle for about ten months when a former “track club president” Seward Rice (Ricey) found himself unemployed when his local foundry job went away. He met with his old buddy Pappy, struck a deal and the place went on its longest cycle of continued success.

Ricey and subsequent promotional teams carried Penn Can through three-plus decades of thriving success. Weekly racing, big events, and the certainty that the track would be making local racers happy every season.

Recently, there have been a series of operators; some with glimmers of success but things have not worked out. That certainty of ten years ago is gone and it has been a struggle.

Over the off season the Beavan family announced that a local family – Keith and Laura Beach – would be taking over the track. The racing community hoped for success or even that this would not be the final failed attempt.

Living in North Carolina, I get “reports” from friends on how things are going, and from all account the Beach family has been solid at the helm. Track is good, shows are efficient – two especially important things in promoting local dirt track racing.

My “home tracks” weekend had me there on Friday and I think the reports might have “under-reported” how good things were going.

It was a unique night because the headline modified division was off, so it was a show with a travelling Sports Compact tour, as well as the other weekly divisions at Penn Can. I am not a good “numbers” person, so how many fans, what the back gate was, etc. are things I leave for others to sort through.

Here is what I did find: a solid group of racers (fans, drivers, crew member) who were boasting about their track. There were a lot of really wonderful things said about what was going on at Pappy’s place.

In short, there is a good “vibe” at Penn Can Speedway. Multiple people said, “you should see this place when the modifieds are here.” THAT is a good situation; not only solid fields and nice crowds but more importantly people bragging about it.

To get Penn Can back to the point of certainty will take a solid and steady hand at the helm. I spent only about two minutes with Keith on Friday and again I had the positive “vibe” that he was quite possible the right man (along with a strong family) for the job.

A steady hand at the helm is important, but more important is that community of racing folks spreading the word about their Friday night track.

If the racing community shares with friends – at coffee shops, barrooms, churches, work, and other social gatherings – what they shared with me, people will give the track a look.

And, I believe they will like what they see….and feel…. that Penn Can Vibe.


Photo: Penn Can Speedway Facebook

Submitted By: Steve Post

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